Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
Can a new UBC wine survivor outdraw, outpour and outlast one of our infamous veterans or fan favorites? You have to tune
Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
December 6th @ 10:30am
Welcome back Wine Survivor fans. Today is the season finale of Wine Survivor!
Two newbies defeated 12 veterans and 35 other newbies. Both are within an alliance. Who will be crowned the 2017 UBC Community United Way Wine Survivor?
Will it be Andre Naval?
Andre aligned himself with 12 others from Nursing – Bob, Rachel, Tricia, Bernie, Merrilee, Emily, Gino, Michael, Andrew, Nicole, Rana and Ellen. They say there is power in numbers! Will this alliance of 13 make it to the very end?
Then there is Kim Cormack. She is the ultimate newbie, having been employed at our University for only a couple of months. Kim aligned herself at the beginning of the game with people she didn’t even know – Patty and Andrea. They quickly started strategizing at the UBC United Way Lebanese Luncheon. Will this unlikely trio take home the grand prize?
Let’s find out on the season finale of Wine Survivor.
This is the way this is going to work. I am going to read the votes. The player who has the most votes will be victorious in winning the 39 bottles of wine. The player with the least amount of votes will take home 10 bottles of wine.
9 votes have been secured.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
1st Vote: Andre Naval
2nd Vote: Andre Naval
3rd Vote: Kim Cormack
4th Vote: Kim Cormack
Currently we are tied with two votes going to Andre and two votes going to Kim.
5th vote: Kim Cormack
6th Vote: Kim Cormack
7th Vote: Andre Naval
8th Vote: Andre Naval
4 votes Kim, 4 votes Andre.
One vote left.
The winner of this year’s 2017 UBC Community United Way Wine Survivor is……………..
Kim Cormack!
Congratulations Kim, you and your alliance have won 39 bottles of wine!
And congrats to you Andre, you and your alliance has been awarded 10 bottles of wine!
Thank you Wine Survivor fans for another great season. See you next campaign for Season 3 of Wine Survivor!
The tribe has spoken.
Episode 21, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
December 5th @ 9am
Welcome back survivor fans! As mentioned yesterday, today is a very special episode. We are going to be heading into 4, yes 4 tribal councils! But first let’s recap.
We started off the game with 49 UBC Wine Survivors. 37 newbies, 12 veterans all vying for one thing, who will be the next UBC Wine Survivor?
What was at stake?
Well 49 bottles of wine have been donated by each contestant in the hopes of taking home the grand prize of 39 bottles of wine. AND the survivor runner up will not leave the game empty handed either and will be awarded 10 bottles of wine!
Alliances began to form right at the start of the game. An unlikely trio from various departments – Kim, Patty and Andrea. A 13 person alliance from Nursing. The Fighting Irish – Eilis and Aideen that said goodbye to their chances of winning the grand prize yesterday. And let’s not forget about the dynamic duo that said goodbye early in the game – Colette and Christine. And finally, fan favorites Jessica and Joanna. Plus, rumor has it there were many secret alliances formed!
With only 1 vet and 5 newbies left in the game. Who will be the first to be voted out today? Let’s find out as we head into our first tribal council for the day!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The last of the vets and a member from the unlikely trio …………….Patty Gallivan….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now onto our second tribal council
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The 45th player voted out of Wine Survivor and a member of the Nursing Alliance …….. Michael Kwong…… have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
This is the craziest tribal council we have ever seen! Everything is happening so fast. Wine survivor fans are stumped! One thing I can tell you is that all the vets are gone! And this game is going to be won over this year by a newbie.
Who is left in the game?
Stephanie from Ceremonies and Events, Kim from Enrolment Services and a member of the unlikely trio, Medicine’s Christina and Andre from the Nursing alliance. Who will be the next two to leave the game? Let’s find out as we head into our final two tribal councils for the day!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
Saying goodbye to their chances of winning 49 bottles of wine, from Medicine …….. Christina Salvatori ….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now for our final tribal council of the day.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The 47th player voted out of Wine Survivor and another player from the Ceremonies office …….. Stephanie Renwick……. you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for the Wine Survivor Season Finale!
Will it be Kim Cormack from Enrolment Services?
Will it be Andre Naval from Nursing?
You have to visit the UBC Community United Way website tomorrow to find out. The season finale will air at 10:30am.
Have a great night Wine Survivor fans and we will see you tomorrow!
Episode 20, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
December 4th @ 3pm
2 veterans. 6 newbies. 3 known alliances still left in the game.
Wine survivor players are scrambling. They know they are reaching the end of the game. Now more than ever it’s time to make some big moves. Did you know that there are four remaining players left in the game from Ceremonies and Events? Two remaining from Nursing? One from Enrolment Services and one from Medicine? Who will be saying goodbye to their chances of winning bottles of Christmas joy? Let’s find out as we head into another double tribal council.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The Director of Ceremonies and a member of the Fighting Irish alliance …….. Eilis Courtney….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now for our second tribal council of the week!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The 43rd player voted out of Wine Survivor and another players from the Ceremonies office …….. Denise Luong you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back tomorrow morning as we air a very special episode of Wine Survivor. That’s right Survivor fans! We will be holding only one episode tomorrow morning, with 4 players saying goodbye to their chances of winning copious amounts of wine. That is one full day of Survivor in one episode!
Then, be sure to tune in on Wednesday as we draw names for the runner up and 2017 UBC United Way Wine Survivor.
December 4th @ 9am
10 players left. 3 more days of game. Who will claim 10 bottles of wine and come close to becoming the last Wine Survivor player standing? Who will be take home the title of Wine Survivor and 39 bottles of wine? Let’s find out on Wine Survivor!
With only 3 known alliances left in the game – Kim and Patty from the trio, Eilis from the Fighting Irish and Andre and Michael from Nursing. And half of the other remaining players Jodi, Stephanie, Denise, Diana and Christina – all newbies. Who will be the first 2 to go this week? Let’s find out as we head into our first double tribal council of the week!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
A newbie from Human Resources…….. Diana Iampietro….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now for our second tribal council of the week!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The co-chair of this year’s UBC Community United Way Committee and a player from Infrastructure and Development …… Jodi Scott you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back later today as we say goodbye to two more Wine Survivor players.
Episode 18, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
December 1st @ 2pm
12 Wine Survivors remain. 5 of these remaining players work within Ceremonies and Events. How can this be? These ladies have been flying under the radar! Courtney and Gallivan have formed alliances with others across campus. Was this just a form of gameplay to distract the other players? Does Ceremonies and Events have a secret alliance? Let’s find out as we head into another double tribal council.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And just like that! The Godmother of Ceremonies and Events…….. Christina Girardi ….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now for our final tribal council of the week!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The third last male asked to leave the game …………..the Manager of Sage and Point Grill…… James Minhinnick you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back next week as we finish the game of Wine Survivor. Monday and Tuesday, 4 tribals per day and Wednesday we will crown the sole Wine Survivor!
Episode 17, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
December 1st @ 8am
14 Wine Survivors remain. 3 vets and 11 newbies. 3 full weekdays left. 49 bottles of wine to be won. Welcome to Wine Survivor!
Yesterday we saw the final player from Energy and Water Services say goodbye to his chances of taking home the grand prize. And while the Nursing alliance started off with 13 strong, they are now down to 3 players.
This game can really break you down. Only the strong can survive! Who will make it through to the end of this week? Let’s find out right now as we head into another double tribal council.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And just like that! The Nursing alliance is now down to 2 players. Nicole Fong….you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Are you ready for our second tribal council, cause it’s going to happen anyways!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
A member from DAE, working within the Faculty of Medicine and the 37th player voted out of Wine Survivor …….. Courtney Cousineau!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back later today as we air our last episode of the week!
Episode 16, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 30th @ 2pm
Welcome back survivor fans to another two episode of Wine Survivor!
Only 4 veterans left in the game – Eilis, James, Patty and Herbert. 13 newbies – Lisa, Stephanie, Jodi, Denise, Christina G, Rene, Diana, Christina S, Kim, Andre, Michael, Nicole and Courtney. 3 known alliances still in the game – Eilis from the Fighting Irish, Patty and Kim from the Trio and Michael, Andre and Nicole from Nursing. Who will it be next? Let’s head into another afternoon of double tribal council!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And another blindside! From UBC Food Services …….. Rene Atkinson you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Now our final tribal for the day….
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
This can’t be! It just can’t! Our wine connoisseur…..from the department of Wine Research …….. Lisa Rooney, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back in tomorrow as we see another 4 survivor hopefuls say goodbye to their chances of winning a well-stocked bar for the holiday season!
Episode 15, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 30th @ 8am
Welcome back to Wine Survivor!
As we say goodbye to wet November and face a dark and cold December, 18 Wine Survivors are still outpouring, outdrawing and outlasting in this game. We have been witness to the Nursing alliance slowly losing control of the game, alliances broken and newbies overtaking the veterans. Who is it going to be today? Let’s find out as we head into our first tribal council of the day!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And the last remaining player from Energy and Water Services and the first SECRET alliance (Kastner, Hugli) been voted out of the game…….. Robert Schwarz you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Onto our second tribal council of the day.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
Another player from the Nursing Alliance and the 33rd person voted out of Wine Survivor…….. Bob Wilson!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
We will see you later today as we have another episode of two tribal councils!
Episode 14, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 29th @ 2pm
Welcome back to Wine Survivor! There are only 20 Wine Survivors left in the game. One week today we will find out who will be labelled the ultimate Wine Survivor. Never before has UBC seconded 49 employees to embark on the adventure of a lifetime. These players have endured 4 tribal councils per day for over a week! And still there is another full week of game play! Who will it be this afternoon? Let’s find out as we head into another double tribal council.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
Two nursing players voted out in one day! Another from the Nursing alliance …….. Rana Hakami you have been voted out of Wine Survivor.!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Now time for our final tribal of the day….
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
Last year’s runner up recipient of the Wine Survivor title and another player being voted out from the DAE portfolio…….. Alyssa Lee, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tribe has spoken.
Check back in tomorrow as we see another 4 survivor hopefuls say goodbye to their chances of winning a well-stocked bar for the holiday season!
Episode 13, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 29th @ 9am
6 Veterans left in the game. 16 Newbies. 4 tribal councils each day. Who is going to be taking home the 39 bottles of wine and who will be stuck with the 10? You gotta tune in to find out. Let’s play another episode of Wine Survivor!
Yesterday we saw Starr and Carson’s hope of taking home the grand prize come to an end. And the leader of the Nursing alliance, Ellen Siu had to blow out her torch, leaving their alliance with 6 of their strongest players left. Will the wine survivors take another shot at the Nurses alliance? Or will another alliance be wiped out of the game. Let’s head into a double tribal council to find out.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
A Wine Survivor Super Fan that has been seconded to DAE and the 28th person voted out of Wine Survivor…….. Helen Gabor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Now for our second tribal council….
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And just like that! Another one of the largest alliances ever to play the game Wine Survivor…….. from Nursing…… Tricia Ueda, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Episode 12, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 28th @ 3pm
24 Survivor hopefuls left. 49 bottles of red, white and bubbly. Only 2 winners. We are halfway through the game.
Let’s play Wine Survivor!
Last episode we saw Hugli and Brodie leave the game. Were they part of a secret alliance? Do they still have a chance at winning the grand prize?
Survivor fans are at the edge of their seat! They can’t quite figure out who is and who isn’t aligned. This year’s players are proving they can be trusted and are keeping their secret alliances top secret!
Who will be the next to go as we head into our final tribal councils of the day?
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The 26th player voted out of Wine Survivor and a member of the Nursing alliance …….. Ellen Siu!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Now time for our final tribal council for the day….
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And another alliance saying goodbye to copious amounts of wine, from DAE and the dynamic duo…… Jessica Starr, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Be sure to tune in to tomorrow as we say goodbye to 4 more Wine Survivors!
Episode 11, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 28th @ 9am
Wine Survivor Special Announcement: Today is Giving Tuesday! The producers of this show wish to thank ALL the participants of Wine Survivor. Thank you for donating to this year’s campaign and thank you for participating in this game. Take time to reflect on what it really means to give and be proud knowing that you are a vital component in creating stronger communities in the Lower Mainland.
Now let’s play Wine Survivor!
All of the alliances have been broken. Only 1 remains from the Fighting Irish, 2 remain from the trio (Kim and Patty), Jessica from the dynamic duo and from Nursing – Bob, Tricia, Andre, Michael, Nicole, Rana and Ellen. Plus there are 10 other Wine Survivor hopefuls that may/may not be in a secret alliance. Who will be the next two to go? Let’s find out as we head into today’s tribal council!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
One of this year’s 2017 UBC Community United Way Campaign Heroes …….. Richard Hugli you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Onto our next tribal…..
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
Can it be? Another fan favorite? From the Pension Office…… Carol Brodie, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Check back in today at 3pm to see the next two Wine Survivors to leave the game!
Episode 10, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 27th @ 3pm
28 players left. 4 known alliances. 13 days left of game play. Welcome to Wine Survivor!
The Nursing alliance has lost 5 of their strongest players. However, they still have the numbers and are dominating the game.
The rumors keep circulating …….there are a few secret alliances out there. And they are flying through this game under the radar. Will they be exposed? Or will they continue to sneak through the game undetected? Only time will tell. Let’s play Wine Survivor!
Time for our third tribal council of the day.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
A member of the Fighting Irish alliance and the 22nd person voted out of Wine Survivor……..Aideen Clery!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Onto our final tribal council of the day.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And another player from the Nursing alliance, Emily Moorhead, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Please visit this site tomorrow as we feature another two episodes of Wine Survivor!
Episode 9, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 27th @ 9am
Welcome back Wine Survivors. I hope you had a wonderfully, rested weekend because you are going to need it! This week is going to a big one. We will be saying goodbye to 10 hopeful wine survivors and their chances of taking away 39 bottles of wine will be nonexistent.
So, who is it going to be this week? And who will stay on for another week of Wine Survivor?
Let’s find out as we head into the first tribal council of week two.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
The Vice-Chair of the UBC Community United Way campaign and the 20th person voted out of Wine Survivor, Colin Moore you have been eliminated from the game!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Stay right there! Don’t go anywhere. We have one more round of tribal council!
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
And another player from the biggest alliance we have ever seen in Wine Survivor, from Nursing……..Bernie Garrett, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Tune in at 3pm today as we say goodbye to another 2 hopefuls competing for the title of Wine Survivor.
Episode 9, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 24th @ 11am
Thank you for joining us on a special edition of Wine Survivor, new time, new rules, more people voted out of the game.
Here is how this is going to work. For only this one time this season, we are going to have all the players sit in on tribal council. That’s right. You will have no time to strategize, no time to make amends and no time to weigh out factors because we are heading to tribal right now!
This is tribal council. You know the rules! Let’s get started.
All the names are in!
I will go tally the votes.
From our two girl alliance, whose preference is a full bodied red and the member of a two, all-girl alliance…..Joanna Carson……… you are the seventeenth UBC employee to be voted out of Wine Survivor.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The second round of votes are in! I will go tally the votes.
And our first all-girl alliance of the season that is leaving the game, the eighteenth UBC employee to be voted out of Wine Survivor……… Christine Pickering!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Now for our final tribal council. And let me tell you folks, things are getting tense around here. You can just sense it in the air.
All the names are in! I will go tally the votes
This is the first time in Wine Survivor history! 3 separate all-girl alliances being broken up in one episode …….and our nineteenth UBC employee ……… Sarah Pickstone, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Have a great weekend everyone and rest up! You will need it as we embark next week on another 5 day journey of Wine Survivor.
Episode 8, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 23rd @ 2pm
The Nursing Alliance started off with a group of 13 strong newbies. Slowly members of their tribe have been blowing out their torch and exiting the game. Could another of this alliance be the next to go?
Or will it be from the alliance made up of the Fighting Irish? They have been heard boasting ” we’ll fight them on the Boulevard, we’ll fight them on the Malls, we’ll fight them on the Crescents & then ……..we can all congregate to Mahoney’s for tea”
Or could it be a secret alliance? Rumor has it there is more than one that has been formed.
Or could it be a member from an already broken alliance?
Let’s find out on Wine Survivor!
Time for tribal council.
I will go tally the votes.
The fifteenth UBC employee and the fourth player from Ceremonies and Events that has been voted out of Wine Survivor is …..Melissa Picher.
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The second round of votes are in! I will go tally the votes.
The sixteenth UBC employee and second member from the Nursing alliance to be voted out today……… Andrew Dee, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Check in tomorrow for a special episode of Wine Survivor. Three people will be voted on in only one episode.
Show is scheduled to air on the UBC Community United Way website at 11am.
Episode 7, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 23rd @ 9am
37 players left in Wine Survivor. Each remaining survivor has only one thing on their mind – fermented grapes! Red grapes, white grapes, blends… doesn’t matter. As long as they can withstand these next 10 working days and prove that they can outdraw the other players. They will be rewarded with many good cheers and bubbly fun!
Yesterday we saw the 2015 Wine Survivor winner, Nancy Hermiston go home. This was a total surprise to all. Nancy has proven herself to be a fierce competitor in this game and she definitely did not see it coming. The first blindside of the season! Who will be next to go? Let’s find out today on Wine Survivor!
Time for tribal council.
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
I will go tally the votes!
The thirteenth person voted out of Wine Survivor is both a newbie to the game and to the UBC Community United Way Steering Committee…..Lindsay Cashin, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
And time for our second morning tribal council.
I will go tally the votes.
The fourteenth UBC employee that has been voted out of the game is from the Nursing Alliance — Gino Kim, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Episode 6, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 22nd @ 2pm
10 veterans are still left in the game. Wine survivor fans have been patiently waiting for more newbies to start aligning and begin to play this game hard. No one knows more than the fans the importance of getting an experienced player out. They have seen this all before! They know how to outpour, outdraw and outlast in this game. Will the newbies stand a chance? Or will the vets slowly begin to dominate the game? You gotta watch to find out!
Time for tribal council.
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
I will go tally the votes!
The winner of last year’s Wine Survivor and vet Nancy Hermiston, you are the eleventh person to be voted out of this year’s UBC Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The second round of votes are in! I will go tally the votes.
The twelfth UBC employee that has been voted out comes from Energy & Water Services, the woman that encouraged her fellow colleagues to play…..Erin Kastner, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Episode 5, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 22nd@ 10am
13 weekdays. 37 Newbies. 12 Veterans. 49 bottles of wine. This is Wine Survivor!
In yesterday’s Wine Survivor we said goodbye to fan favorite Herbert Rosengarten, saw two alliances shaken up and watched a UBC Robson Square Wine Survivor say goodbye to her dream of filling her cellar with 39 bottles of wine!
And during the night another alliance was formed! This new alliance is split up with one half being veteran and the other half of the team being a newbie. Joanna Carson and Jessica Starr. Joanna seems to be enjoying the game so far and is convinced that they are going right to the end! Will they? Let’s find out on Wine Survivor!
It’s time for tribal council.
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
I will go tally the votes!
The ninth person to be voted out of this year’s UBC Wine Survivor comes from the department of HR…… Lorraine Heseltine, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor .
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
The tenth UBC employee that will be exiting the game comes from the now 12 person alliance, Merrilee Hughes, you have been voted out of Wine Survivor!
Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Episode 4, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 21st @ 2pm
Patty Gallivan and Kim Cormack lost one of their own last episode and Christine Pickering is now left playing the game solo. No one is safe on Wine Survivor!
At this time we have 10 veterans still left playing the game. Even though there appears to be more newbies playing this season, do they have what it takes to make it to the end? Can they really outsmart a vet? Let’s head into tribal council to find out!
Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately.
I will go tally the votes!
The seventh person to be voted out of this year’s UBC Wine Survivor is a fan favorite from season one – Herbert Rosengarten! Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
And from UBC Robson Square, Cheyene Parizeau you are the eighth person voted out of Wine Survivor. Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game.
Episode 3, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 21st @ 10am
It was a sleepless night in Wine Survivor as more players formed alliances and left other players scrambling to keep up!
Faculty Relations’ Christine Pickering and Colette Hogg are just one of these newly formed alliances. Can these newbies work together to ultimately bring each other to the end? Will another of the now 12 person alliance from Nursing lose another player at tribal? Let’s head into tribal council to find out!
The fifth person to be voted out of this year’s UBC Wine Survivor is from the Liu Institute – Andrea Reynolds! Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game
And from the newly formed alliance from Faculty Relations, Colette Hogg you are the sixth person voted out of Wine Survivor.
Three alliances broken, 43 players left. Check back at 2pm today on Wine Survivor!
The tribe has spoken.
Episode 2, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 20th at 2pm
A lot can happen in a couple of hours on Wine Survivor!
Newbie Kim Cormack approached the dynamic duo and pledged her alliance to the pair! Andrea and Patty happily accepted her into their now 3 person alliance. 2 veterans and one newbie!
And veteran Eilis Courtney quickly realized there is power in numbers and approached Aideen Cleary to start working together. Aideen agreed to work alongside her Irish mate. This has left many in the game to be extremely weary of the Fighting Irish!
Who will be the next to go? Only time will tell but first we need to go into another tribal council!
It’s time for tribal council:
The third person voted out of this year’s UBC Wine Survivor is…..another player from the Ceremonies and Events office……….Corey Ouellet! Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game
And from the Nursing alliance of 13, Rachel Gao you have been voted out of UBC Wine Survivor. . Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game
The tribe has spoken.
Stay tuned tomorrow for another 2 episodes of Wine Survivor!
Episode 1, Season 2: Newbies vs Veterans
November 20 at 9am
49 UBC Wine Survivors.
37 newbies, 12 veterans all vying for one thing, who will be the next UBC Wine Survivor?
What’s at stake?
Well 49 bottles of wine have been donated by each contestant in the hopes of taking home the grand prize of 39 bottles of wine. AND the survivor runner up will not leave the game empty handed either and will be awarded 10 bottles of wine!
Already 2 wine alliances have been formed. One is made up of two returning veterans. Former colleagues this dynamic duel worked together for over 7 years at the Liu Institute, making their bond unstoppable! Andrea Reynolds and Patty Gallivan have doubled their chances at winning in this year’s game.
And the largest alliance to have ever been formed in the history of Wine Survivor comes from the Department of Nursing. 13 newbies have decided to join forces, will Nursing dominate this game? It’s hard to tell this early…..but stay tuned to find out who will be the first 2 people voted out of Wine Survivor!
Time for tribal council
Linda Quan from Ceremonies and events. You are the first contestant to be voted out of UBC Wine Survivor. Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game!
Game veteran, Catherine Alkenbrack from UBC Infrastructure and Development you are the second contestant to be voted out of UBC Wine Survivor. Please blow out your torch, grab your belongings and exit the game!
The tribe has spoken.
Stay tuned at 2pm today to see who will be the next two contestants voted out of Wine Survivor!