Campaign Hero in VP Students: Winnie Ng

Winnie Ng

Event: Pancake Race

How long have you been involved with the UBC United Way Campaign?
My involvement with United Way began in 2009 when I joined as a member of the Steering Committee. I would not have known about this opportunity were it not for the recommendation by my boss at the time, who happened to be Chair of the campaign that year.  I started small – organizing 50/50 draws and raffles, and here I am now, helping out with the campaign as Vice-Chair…all because someone had simply asked.

Why do you volunteer your time for this cause?
That’s a tough question. I’ve never really questioned why, but rather…why not? The benefits of being part of United Way far outweigh any disadvantages. I’ve met so many wonderful people across campus through this committee that I would not otherwise have met. I’m uplifted when I see the tremendous impact that my small contribution makes to my community. Further, I think we all benefit from the work of United Way as we all have seniors and/or young children in our own lives, the very groups that United Way helps. Simply said, I keep coming back because it’s a no-brainer!

2014 Pancake Race (38)
What was the best part of organizing the Great Pancake Race?
For me, the best part about organizing the Great Pancake Race VI was seeing all the participants on race day – there are some who really take the race seriously! I love their looks of determination, the strategizing, and the trash talking! More importantly, I’m happy to see people have fun, because that was the original intention for this race: to bring people together, raise awareness about an important charity on campus, while having fun.

Do you have a fun memory from the event?
It’s always fun to see the mascots out, and this year, we had a Thunderbird, an Owl, a caped hero, and a bird kick off the Great Pancake Race VI! There’s just something about mascots running a race that cracks me up!


UBC MascotWhat is your goal for next year?
I would love to continue the 5 Days of Caring that we introduced in this year’s campaign. It was a great way to create buzz, and this year, I would love to generate even more buzz about United Way during our kickoff! If I could get every single person on campus to take just 5 minutes to consider (or reconsider) what United Way is, how significant United Way’s impact is on ourselves and the communities we live in, and how easily we can help through our giving (big or small), I will have accomplished my goal for our next campaign.


Kid Icon 3 with ball

With Winnie’s help,

 51,954 children aged between 6 to12 now participate in community schools programs