Campaign Hero in UBC Food Services – James Minhinnick


How long have you been involved with the UBC United Way Campaign?

This was the first year I became active with the campaign. I donated tickets to a Canuck game and held a raffle through Food Services.

Why do you volunteer for this cause?

It is important for everyone to be involved in this campaign as it is the University’s charity of choice.

What is your fondest memory from your involvement with the campaign?

The UBC Antique China sale. It was such a great event! The turnout was amazing. There was also so many volunteers from UBC supporting the cause.

What are your goals for next year? What would you like to see happen?

I would like to hold a fundraising event at Sage. Years ago,Sage use to hold a fundraiser with door prizes and silent auction items. It would be great to hold that kind of event again.