About United Way of British Columbia :
United Way British Columbia supports the development of healthy, caring, and inclusive communities by strengthening vital connections that support people in need. Serving over 4 million people, United Way focuses on urgent response, children and youth, seniors, poverty, mental health, and food security.
In 2023, United Way British Columbia:
- PEOPLE IN 29 COMMUNITIES received emergency assistance including food and basic needs, childcare and after-school programs, mental health support and counselling during BC’s worst wildfire season on record.
- OVER 450,000 INDIVIDUALS AND THEIR FAMILIES received more than 3.2 million meals and hampers through dignified food access programming to help address Food Security.
- 7,920 CHILDREN received the support they needed to succeed and thrive at 135 United Way BC School’s Out and School’s Out Summer program sites.
- 537 FORMER YOUTH IN CARE, 36% of whom were Indigenous, were able to cover basic living expenses while pursuing post-secondary education in BC through the Youth Futures Education Fund.
- OVER 36,300 SENIORS received over 579,000 Healthy Aging supports and services to stay independent, active, and engaged in their own communities.
- ABOUT 18,000 NEIGHBOURS were connected through 148 Local Love projects in 11 United Way BC Hi Neighbour communities.
- OVER 52,000 PEOPLE were supported by Resource Navigators at 211 British Columbia, who provided over 136,000 referrals to local programs and services to help with life’s basic needs.
About the UBC United Way Campaign
The UBC United Way Campaign is an annual workplace campaign that runs in the fall which creates opportunities for UBC staff, faculty and community members to connect, network and raise funds for a great cause. The 2024 UBC United Way Campaign will run from October 9 till December.
The University of British Columbia has a long history with United Way and is the only Board of Governor approved employee campaign.
The University of British Columbia (Vancouver and Okanagan) has been recognized as a top contributor to United Way for many years. Since 2009 UBC has consistently raised over $550,000 annually in support of the local community. The 2023 UBC United Way Campaign raised nearly $525,000 and engaged with over thousands of community members.
UBC has also partnered with United Way. to lead research in areas of Middle Childhood Development and Neighborhood Planning as well providing space for the city to hold conversations on Community Engagement, Social Innovation, Public Policy and more.
The UBC Okanagan campus started their United Way campaign in 2005 and has since achieved outstanding results in participation and donations that have greatly impacted their community.
View UBC Policy 100 on Charitable Givings
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Whether you give your time, your financial support, encourage others to invest in the United Way of the Lower Mainland, or help build networks on our behalf, your support is making a significant impact.
3 easy actions when “self care isn’t enough”
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