Free Coffee, Please! Give back to community and get free coffee for a month!
When you sign up for $5 or more per pay donation to United Way through payroll giving (or a one time gift of $120 or more) by October 31st, 2024 your coffee will be on us for the month of November. The Coffee Campaign initiative is made possible by UBC Food Service, Ethical Bean, Milano, Hero Cafe, Starbucks and Tim Hortons.
Showcase your support of the UBC United Way Campaign
Donate Today and your card will be automatically mailed to you. Payroll donations open October 9, 2024.
To use simply present your red Coffee Card in November at the following participating UBC locations (UBC Food Services) locations for a free coffee or tea:
- Harvest (both locations)
- Law Café
- Mercante
- Perugia
- Starbucks (UBC Life Building, Fred Kaiser, Bookstore)
- Stir it Up
- Dabao
- Tim Hortons (David Lam, Forestry and q̓əlɬaləməcən leləm̓ (Orca))
Questions? Please email or call us at 604-822-8929.